Welcome to AWA Pilots Association

We get how insignificant the hundred dollar hamburger can be. Flying is your passion; but it can be expensive, lonely, and meaningless at times.

It is time to change that. We provide Adventist pilots who weary of insignificant flying an opportunity for community and fulfillment. Adventist World Aviation has worked with pilots around the world to help save thousands of lives since 1995, and we are now launching this pilots association to help you do the same. As a member of AWA Pilots Association, you will have exclusive discounts with brands like AOPA, Electronics International, and the flight instructor at your local FBO that will help make flying more affordable. You will be a part of a community of pilots who have similar beliefs, values, and passions. And you will have unique opportunities to fly veterans struggling with PTSD or patients who have to make it to a doctors’ appointment through our partner organizations.

Join now and get your first month free!

save money...

...on insurance, avionics and flight instructions.

Save Money

Use exclusive discounts for an increasing number of brands you already use for insurance, avionics upgrades, and flight instruction.

find community...

...get to know other pilots.

Find Community

Discover other pilots with similar beliefs, values, and passions and get to know them through our online Mighty Network and regional fly-ins.

make a difference...

....by flying for purpose.

Find Community

Find unique opportunities to fly for a reason. We have partnerships with other organizations who need you to make a difference in peoples’ lives.

Takeoff Checklist

1. Join AWA Pilots Association

Join now for your first month free! Begin taking advantage of your membership benefits and cancel if you don’t find what you’re looking for.

2. Interact online and in person

We use Might Networks to host our online forum. Discover pilots who live near you or across the nation and learn about events where you can meet in person.

3. Volunteer

Find unique opportunities to use your love of aviation to make a difference!


 Join now and get your first month free!


What’s My Investment?

We know what it’s like to discover that aviation is costing too much money, that it gets lonely with no one to share it with, and that flying the pattern can feel meaningless after awhile. An investment in AWA Pilots Association will provide value, community, and fulfillment to your passion.

Your investment is $60 annually.

Membership Dues Explained

  • $40 per year are used by Adventist World Aviation to further our work throughout the world.
  • The other $20 stay with the pilots association to cover internal costs.
  • The total cost of AWA PA membership is $60 annually.
Total Annual Dues

We provide Adventist pilots who weary of insignificant flying an opportunity for community and fulfillment.
