
Frequently Asked Questions

Why Do I Need to Join Another Club?2018-10-29T13:48:46+00:00

We promise we aren’t just another club. We may offer monetary discounts and community like any other club, but we also provide opportunities to use your passion to help people.

What if I Don’t Meet People?2018-10-29T13:49:48+00:00

This association will grow in value exponentially as people join it. Share it with your friends and encourage them to share it with their friends so that each member will have an opportunity to meet someone they will connect with.

What Will You Do With My Information?2018-10-29T13:50:48+00:00

We promise not to sell your information to anyone. We will contact you from time to time with news and information from Adventist World Aviation and our partner organizations, but you will have the opportunity to opt out if you so desire.

Where Do My Membership Dues Go?2018-10-29T13:51:51+00:00

$40 per year are used by Adventist World Aviation to further our work throughout the world. The other $20 stay with the pilots association to cover internal costs.

How Much Will it Cost?2018-10-29T13:53:08+00:00

The annual dues are $60, which are then divided between Adventist World Aviation and the pilots association.
